Little Bo Peep has lost her sheep
And can't tell where to find them.
Leave them alone, And they'll come home,
Wagging their tails behind them
Little Bo peep fell fast asleep
And dreamt she heard them bleating;
But when she awoke, she found it a joke,
For they were still a-fleeting.
Then up she took her little crook,
Determined her to find them;
She found them indeed, but it made her heart bleed,
For they'd left their tails behind them.
It happened one day, as Bo peep did stray
Into a meadow hard by,
There she espied their tails side by side,
All hung on a tree to dry.
She heaved a sigh and wiped her eye,
And over the hillocks went rambling,
And tried what she could, as a sheperdess should,
To tack each again to its lambkin.
The precise source is unsure. A few attribute it to depression era, while others maintain it predates that time, perhaps to the Victorian era. At least one bookmark from Victorian era is illustrated with Little Bo Peep, so the source may be still prior than the Victorian era. Little Bo Peep is an eponymous person from a nursery school rhyme. Bo Peep is a shepherdess who loses her sheep and receives counsel on how to get them back.
In Sussex, citizens maintain it is a smuggling tale from the municipality of St. Leonards. One of the Martello Towers, identified casually as Bo Peep was used to house the customs men and occasionally to jail the smugglers themselves. The Bo Peep community home is supposed to have been used by smugglers. The additional verses of the poem make additional sagacity in this background than if it is really concerning a shepherdess. Little Bo Peep herself refers to the customs men, the sheep are the smugglers and the tails are the smuggled goods. It was recognized for smugglers to dump their illegal imports if they heard the customs men were onto them. The next verse probably refers to the information that, in local communities, smugglers were more liked by the locals than the customs men and fake trails were frequently set.